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A bong adapted from the Thai word baung, meaning a wooden or bamboo cylinder or pipe used for smoking is a water pipe used for smoking cannabis flower. Whether made of glass, manufactured, or homemade, most modern bongs feature a universal shape, components, and process for smoking.

They differ from portable glass pipes (hand pipes) in that almost every water bong contains a tube, also known as the vessel or neck, which funnels the smoke into the user’s mouth. While tubes vary in style, they are generally straight, angled, or custom-shaped.

Next, water bongs are identifiable by their base; the water chamber filled is responsible for cooling the smoke. The base makes up the bong’s lower portion and is usually the largest and widest piece of the apparatus. Bases can be straight, beaker-shaped, or spherical with a flat bottom, though these different shapes have little impact on the bong’s smoking mechanics.

The downstem is the connective piece of glass (it resembles a small tube) inserted through the base and into the water, responsible for the filtration process. There are two types of downstems, classic and diffused; the latter features extra holes or slits that help cool the hot smoke and offer a gentler hit.

Finally, the bowl is what holds the ground flower at the top of the downstem. Bowls come most commonly in three different sizes, small (10 mm), medium (14 mm), or large (19 mm), and are usually paired with matching-sized downstems..